How to choose your blockchain marketing agency?

How to choose your blockchain marketing agency?

Do you have a blockchain or cryptocurrency related business? Are you in need of an experienced marketing and consultation agency, tailored to your business? Check out our recommendations in the article below

We are guessing you already have the idea and the team behind your new project. That’s great! Now what? Now it`s time to choose your marketing team. Stick with us and we will walk you through some basic steps so you can ensure the success of your business — investors, customers, media: they are all waiting for your story to be told in the right way, at the right time

The biggest misconception that majority of startups are contemplating is that their know-how in marketing is sufficient for successful project launch and building awareness. This is an understatement. Using a marketing agency is beneficial because of its valuable network, knowledge and passion for their business.

A specialized marketing agency in the crypto and blockchain field will help you not only with marketing, but also with business development and sales strategies.

Here are some tips on choosing the right blockchain marketing agency:

The people

People are important, they are the driver behind any inovative project. Agencies with extensive experience in blockchain bring a lot to the table. They have deep understanding of FinTech, crypto and blockchain audience and all the underlying technologies.

You can always research the agency and the team, check events they attend and get to know them a bit better.

There is also a practice called “the beer test”. Basically if you picture yourself having a beer and chat with the marketing agency team you should immediately feel as you’d like to spent some time with them on your business.

Before you choose: set your objectives and budget, and do your research

Before you approach a marketing agency, you should have an idea of your future goals and where would you like to see your company in this partnership.

You have to be aware if they provide all the needed information on their website, including portfolio with recent projects and clients. You can also check their Medium or similar sources.

When choosing an agency, try to find a smaller partner that is more flexible and will remain constantly focused on your business objectives.

And always keep in mind: one of the most important factors for success is for you to be involved in all planned marketing activities. Give your input, direct your agency, but also listen to their advices — their approach is much more objective than yours, and this is one of their most valuable assets.

Brand development

An agency with a consistant brand is the one you can trust: look across their online presence, their communication with media and communities, their tone of voice and creative approach.

A consistant brand will help you build a consistent business.

Quantity vs Quality Ratio

This ratio is very important and very often overlooked. It relates to all marketing activities – social media, copywriting, community building, PR management etc.

Every piece of content that you publish should be very well thought of, and placed strategycally on the appropriate channel. In that respect, it is very important to research and build a core audience, than understands your business and message.

Content should be interesting, short and straight to the point, as people are constantly bombarded with information. In order to capture the attention of your audience, you should always focus on building a two way communication and providing incentive to your audience to engage with your content and your company.

For exemple, after you finish reading this article, you can contact us at and we will provide your blockchain business with a free basic social media audit.

In short, working with experts in blockchain marketing will provide you with a valuable partnership and a team you can always rely on.

We, at CoinPoint Group Inc. , believe that anything is possible and we strive to be the best partner for big and small companies in the blockchain sector. Our personalized approach to every client and the results we achieved together, made us the top digital marketing agencies in the blockchain business