Is marketing your product or business on Twetch possible?
Marketing services can be tricky when it comes to choosing the right platform to do it onto.
Choosing a platform on the Blockchain might be one of the best decisions a marketer can make because of its decentralized and censorship-proof qualities. Twetch as any social media is perfect for marketing and promoting. The idea of using micropayments to engage with content and the creators themselves, earning from content is good for corporate profiles. Think of it this way.
Mark has developed a dApp and he wants to promote it but Facebook and Twitter keep banning his ads and posts about it due to new regulations. This interferes with his business and potential partners and sponsors for his IEO, for example. So, he goes over to Twetch and does a couple of posts about his dApp. He pays a small fee for each post. People immediately react to his posts and interact with them. That way both sides get a profit and continue distributing the content for more earnings. Word gets out and the dApp finds a new community and sponsors right away. But it doesn’t always come to getting profits. People are stimulated to produce content in the means that they feel appreciated by seeing users pay for their photos, posts, etc. Users want to support their favourite people or businesses, so they pay-per-view. It all comes to a full circle and it’s a win-win situation for everybody.
Digital marketing is being revolutionized through Twetch and soon it’s going be the future. No more complicated algorithms and banned ads. The BSV Blockchain showcases one of its most important use cases- to decentralize the centralized and turn around the digital space we know completely.