Sigma — a monumental iGaming event hosting its fifth conference in Malta — endorsed by CoinPoint

Sigma — a monumental iGaming event hosting its fifth conference in Malta — endorsed by CoinPoint

Sigma event may be the true indicator of how blockchain industry expands, and how it will keep on expanding. When looking at the previous year when around 6,400 people attended the event, with 1,200 affiliates, 200 sponsors and 100 speakers, it comes as no surprise that the numbers have doubled.

Fifth edition of Sigma event will take place between the 28th and 30th of November at the Malta Fairs and Conventions Centre. According to the event’s founder and CEO Eman Pulis, Sigma keeps raising the bar year after year, and it aims at becoming the top blockchain event.

The event itself has plenty of panels and discussions divided onto several sub-fields such as Blockchain, Regulatory, Payments, Affiliates, eSports, Payments, etc. On top of that, various workshop rooms will cover the evolution of programmatic for gaming, CRM workshops, Compliance Briefing, etc.

The event will give an opportunity to prospective start-ups to show their ideas and hear judges’ opinion during the Sigma Pitch run. Ten finalists with the best proof of concept will receive consultancy from self-made crypto entrepreneurs to understand what it takes to build a successful iGaming business.

The event itself will be followed and attended by CoinPoint group as well. Oron Barber, CEO at CoinPoint and Ivan Nedeljkovic, Digital Marketing Specialist are very excited to attend the event. Blockchain expansion in the way of eSports has made quite an impression on Mr. Nedeljkovic who has a gaming background himself.

“Advancement of blockchain technology and eSports popularity in the past few years has made me believe that if these two constituents unite, that is, if the eSports industry starts integrating and accepting blockchain solutions, their expansion and success would be endless. On another note, having the opportunity to attend the event as big as Sigma is a huge honor for me, and I look forward to meeting the people behind these crazy and revolutionary ideas.”

Mr. Barber is a well-known figure in the cryptocurrency business and digital marketing.
He has attended and hosted many crypto conferences, provided his consultation to many crypto projects, and ultimately his words of advice for Sigma have been nothing but positive.

I have been closely paying attention to the event since its release 5 years go. I am especially intrigued at what they were able to achieve in the past 2 years, and this year they’ve outdone themselves. Many familiar faces will be present, but also new ones with whom I want to establish good connection and discuss potential partnership. Generally, seeing how fast Malta is adopting and promoting crypto, I am very pleased to say that it has the potential to become one of the top blockchain hubs.”

Mr. Barber has been selected as a judge for an “ICO Battle time” pitch in which he, in addition to other judges, will assess 5 ICOs and give his professional input, on 28th of November at 14:15. He will also be a participant at “Cryptocurrency vs Fiat Payments Solutions” panel discussing the opportunities and challenges faced by emerging markets in relation to their financial woes on 29th of November at 12:00.

About CoinPoint:

CoinPoint is a premium marketing agency, founded in 2013, working with all scale businesses — from startups, presenting their businesses on a global level, to multinational companies looking for digital transformation & blockchain adoption. The agency stays on top by providing the best services and solutions to its clients around the world.

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